There was a major jewelry offensive on the picnic table even in the heat. Today is about 20 degerees cooler, go figure. While I was working I filled up a sheet rock bucket full of water for Allie and just let her go to town watering everywhere with her little watering can. Definitely a win-win situation.
Here are a couple of pieces I made. I've got to figure out some better photography for the jewelry so I can put more of it in the shop. These just don't do them justice. Slowly but surely I'll get there.
Add to that some booties, wash cloths and part of a scarf and I'd say it was a productive day. Miracle of miracles I managed to find a dress today for a wedding we're going to this summer. Up until that point I had ONE dress that is respectable and wearable but it's for winter only. Being the super casual person I am, the prospect of finding a dress, actually buying it and not spending a fortune is a daunting task but I think I made out okay. Now if I just get a cute pair of shoes I think I'm set.
I leave you now with groundhog/bunny rabbit sabotage. How does that song go? "One step forward a few steps back?" Or in this case a few steps forward one step back. Something like that.
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