My favorite find at the market today was fresh, homemade strawberry jam. As you can tell by the half-empty jar, it's not going to last long. The kids loved the homemade banana ice cream the same folks were making with their own, fresh whole milk. I had no idea there'd be such great vendors there this year.
I had so much fun today and saw tons of people I knew. My best market day yet. Seems like the circles of friends are all intwined somehow and everybody knows everyone else, or the kids will see schoolmates and suddenly the community seems small, familiar and really like home. I can't explain how quickly this all has seemed to have happened. It feels like I've emerged from the cave of motherhood I put myself in having three kids in three years. Now they're out in the world and I'm finally out there again too. Whew. It's busier but easier in so many ways.
Case in point was the pool today.
I sat. When I said the water was too cold they said, "oh, come on, just try it mom, it's not that bad". But I still sat and it was okay, because they were okay and had a blast. Lauren and John can both touch bottom in the shallow end and still have their heads above water. They also can both swim in the deep end without flotation. Allie still needs arm floats or a vest but is fine if she has them.
[caveat: yes, the arm floats and ring are overkill and apparently dangerous according to lifeguard staff. one or the other. we got it.]
I love the water but not when it's 71 degrees. Give me water above 80 and I'm in. Shivering, goosebumps, blue lips and all, the kids could have cared less.
OK, first of all, your kids are SO darn cute!! Three kids in three years?? Lots of work but Im sure the lots of love is totally worth it! I hope to have lots more kids someday as well:) And secondly, I am in LOVE with your Etsy shop!!! The knitted booties are TOO cute. My friend is having a baby soon and I might have to keep an eye on your items for her baby shower this summer!!!
Welcome to the SIDE of the pool!! I've saved you a seat. Hot enough for ya? Here, have a snack and a Country Living. Can you help me with this knitting project? It's going to be a great summer.
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