There he sits, Cricket, our market manager who graciously served as our first knitting student during a demonstartion we had a yesterday's market. I have to say that he and the next student, also a man, were our quickest learners and began knitting as if they'd been doing it for years. I showed them both how to cast on, knit and even purl, I bet you anything at least one of them shows up next Saturday ready to cast off something they've knitted this week.
I was supposedly in charge of the demonstration, but I gotta hand it to my knitting compadres Mary and
Pam who pretty much ran the show. And Mary, with her gorgeous sweater and bag knitted by her mom that we all drooled over and each took turns petting. If only I'd remembered my camera I could show you. Mom brain strikes again!
What a great photo! What a delight to hang out with you and meet the market folks.
Yay- teaching new knitters! At Mt. Pelier (fall fiber fest.) I think I gave someone a permanent spinning bug- I taught her to spin on the very wheel I learned to spin on. Dontcha just love enabling...
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