For to be a woman is to have interests and duties, raying out in all directions from the central mother-core, like spokes from the hub of a wheel. The pattern of our lives is essentially circular. We must be open to all points of the compass; husband, children, friends, home, community; stretched out, exposed, sensitive like a spider's web to each breeze that blows, to each call that comes. How difficult for us, then, to achieve a balance in the midst of these contradictory tensions, and yet how necessary for the proper functioning of our lives.
~exerpt from "Gifts from the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Balance, peace, playing board games, reading more, watching movies, less knitting, less laundry, fewer dishes, less stuff lying about, more conversations, more sunsets, more laughing, draining tension and worry, more sleep, more writing; these are just some of the things I'm planning. Not necessarily planning on doing but rather on embracing when the opportunity comes my way.
1 comment:
I often picture everything I have to do in circles, and swirling around me, or spinning around. Lovely quote.
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