Another day, more vanishing peaches and the door to the trap is closed but no groundhog. Kevin says he's too big and the door doesn't close all the way so he can still get out after he steals the peach. He says he needs to put an addition on the trap. Not kidding. An addition for the rodent. We're in the planning stages.
With vacation bible school this week I'm way behind on what I need to make. Some custom orders, a personal baby gift to make, a wholesale order and just replenishing the shop from the market last week could be a full time job in and of itself. So of course I'm here right now, watching "Flipping Out" on TV (a study on a control freak who takes himself waaay too seriously) with a half made bootie in my lap.
I leave you with a picture of the blooming cannas, before the Japanese beetles devour them. And after a heavy conversation with friends at the pool today about divorce, infidelity, addiction, kids left in the wake, I'm so not sweating the small stuff.
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