Yesterday afternoon I started fiddling around with ideas again. I'm not sure why some days I need to make up something new, and why other days I just can't stop making hats, headbands, jewelry, and stuff I've already made before. Whatever the reason, here's where it got me.
Unfinished, in the idea stage, a string market bag:
I want to make the bottom looser and the whole thing bigger and less "tulip" shaped. Also the handles are still floating around in my head. I think this time I want them to be short.
Then, this bootie popped into my head last night while watching T.V. expecting to see a new episode of "The Office" and found out I have to wait one more week. Don't really know where I'm going with this one, but I love the two-toned color idea.
You can see I'm not finished. I find booties especially challenging in the "make them so they stay on" department. So there's some work to be done. I also won't look at a pattern, so there's much time spent driving myself crazy trying to figure it all out. A wing and a prayer is how some of my most favorite items have evolved and if I can just hang on long enough, the process usually pays off.
Meanwhile, today Allie and I travelled around looking for new and interesting ways I can display my things this summer at the market. I like to use old things to get some height out of my table, like an old, old apple crate and an old square suitcase. I also use a bundle of old tobacco sticks that came out of Kevin's great grandparents tobacco barn. I tie them together and splay them out in all directions and put a hat atop of each one. (I'll take some pictures)
I also use bulb shaped vases, turn them upside down and put larger hats on them. That's just what I found for a whole $2 one place we went. As a bonus, the shop owner was snipping off transplants from her "mother" plant and we came home with 4 of those.
As I surprise treat, I'm at the library (hence the plethora of pictures) in the quiet by myself. Allie is unexpectedly helping Kevin with lawnmower repair. I don't think I've ever really said how much I LOVE the library. It's free! Free high-speed internet, free books, magazines, free place for the kids to play, etc. I know I've payed for it in part with taxes, but who really thinks about it that way? The ladies are so nice, they'll help you find anything, or spend a half hour helping the kids find every pirate and ballerina book in the whole place. I also love finding the old books about knitting, crochet, embroidery, home decorating, the ones that Barnes and Noble doesn't have. I found the best embroidery book I've ever come across with more techniques than I knew were possible.
Today I'm coming home with a country decorating book, with the foreward written by Ralph Lauren in the 80's, that oughta be good. I promised Allie I'd look for cook books, and for Kevin some catfishing books. I'll probably enlist a librarian for some help. Goes much quicker that way! Tonight I finally can regroup with my knitting friends for some much needed girl time. I missed the last three get-togethers and am looking forward to getting back to normal. Don't know how much knitting will get done, we'll be looking at all 400 pictures from my friend's recent trip to England. What are friends for?
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