Friday, March 28, 2008


My friend came for her two day visit with her two boys and although we didn't plan a whole lot, somehow it feels like we packed a weeks worth of activity into that short amount of time. Kids are dropping like flies around here, my eyes are more bloodshot than they've been in I don't know how long and our appetites seem to have doubled.

I'm too tired to recount the whole visit and that's probably a good thing, because words can't do justice to what it felt like to have one of my dearest friends in town. I am happy, I'm sad, my heart goes with her on her difficult journey ahead, and I pray for her. I pray for the boys. I look to the summer when we'll meet up again, when John will jump right back in to the pack they make, and the girls will run giggling after.

Today I have no pictures for you, for those I'll send you over to a new blog/etsy friend who was nice enough to include me in some of their picks for today.

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