Even though I never talk about it, except in the sidebar to the left, I really am a physical therapist. It's just that since having kids I only work once a month at a rehab hospital where I've been for 13 years. I keep my license and I get to stay home with the kids and play with yarn. My licensure needs renewing by December and so I went to a continuing education course today. Luckily, the instructor was good and the topic was interesting.
It was a yoga course. I've been interested in yoga for some time but have only just scratched the surface in learning the practice. I dabble a little here and there, go through phases where I do it at home and then phase right back out. When I pick back up it becomes so apparent where my tension is and just how much tension I have. My right side feels different than my left, I'm tight here, oooh, pain there, and it's only then that I realize just how out of shape (or in shape) I am.
Today I thought more in terms of balance and how OUT of balance I am. For starters, there's mono...out of balance. Wrestling my daughter to give her eye drops and then seeing daddy do it with no fuss or fighting...out of balance. Throwing some almonds and a banana down my throat on the way out the door to handbells...out of balance. Clutter...out of balance. Being focused on obtaining happiness from external sources rather than from finding the joy within...out of balance. Hurrying...out of balance. I could go on.
One of the best parts about today was seeing yoga as an open door. At the very minimum I can incorporate it more into my daily life even if that just means focusing more on my breathing. Or, it could grow into something more. I now see the future as wide open, where I really can pursue what interests me and I don't have to stay in the box where I ended up after so many years of school. It's one of the best perks of being an at home mom that I never would have imagined. If you'd told me 10 years ago I'd have a little knitting business I probably would have laughed. Who knows what I'll be doing in 20 years and to me, that is exciting. I guess you could say it was a very good day.
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