The end result is this. Kevin came home with a smile, and not a single mention of living caveman style. He even lined up his parents to babysit so we can go on a grossly overdue dinner date this weekend.
Today was a whirlwind of a different sort that started with breakfast and the book fair at school at 7:30. I really can't remember getting as excited as my kids were today to be getting new books. It was a mobbed library, with barely enough room to move and although it was a bit overstimulating (especially at that time of day), it sure looked like a great fundraiser for the school. Then we were off to preschool and a morning of errands, knitting and a yarn pickup. You know you're lucky when one of your friends moonlights at a fabulous knitting store in town and brings home yarn already wound into balls so you don't have to travel all the way into town to get it.
I tried to walk Sunny between the raindrops this afternoon since we missed our morning ritual due to the book fair. I shouldn't have taken the camera and tried to take decent pictures with her on the other end of the leash. I swear she's as hard to capture as children.

1 comment:
Sounds like a happy ending.
I have many pictures of my goats that are just like that- they see the camera, are oh-so-curious, then there goes the wonderful shot you had in mind.
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