He purposely looks like he needs a hug. He's so soft. Even John let out an, "awwwww" when he saw him finished. This from a boy who thinks of almost nothing other than Star Wars, Legos and Star Wars Legos. All three kids want one for Easter, so I'm on my second one already. John's may have green eyes though since that's his favorite color.
Here comes the REALLY exciting part. I've been writing the pattern this second go around and am thinking of putting it up for sale in my etsy shop. So, I'm hereby asking my knitting friends (you know who you are) to test knit the pattern for me. Pam is helping me navigate the pdf format issue, since I'm technologically impaired, and once that's completed I can email the pattern. Just leave a comment or email me directly if you're interested.
The only requirement to be a test knitter is HONESTY! We're all friends here, so I need to know the knitty gritty. Was it easy to follow, correct, well-written? Any bugs? Any suggestions? etc. etc. And for all who are game, there will be a show and tell bunny parade upon completion. For more details you can click on the bunny picture in the sidebar to the left.
mono update: day 10, still feeling crappy.
I love him! And look forward to knitting him!!!
I think he is adorable and I would love to test knit him. Please let me know if you would like me to.
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