Finally the yarn came that I'd been waiting for. It took 8 days to get here which isn't that bad I guess except when you're really excited. And I got free shipping so I'm not too perturbed. There's a whole box of Cotton Fleece, but this is the stuff I've never seen before and what I couldn't wait to touch. It does not dissapoint, but I really want to plan something special because it's very special yarn, and 100% organic, no dyes, to go with the new stuff in the shop. My plan originally was to just make my same baby hats and booties with it and I may still do that, but I always think about new designs when the opportunity presents itself.
They look very cozy up there in the wicker rocker on the front porch, don't you think? Just waiting for some needles and company. A whopping 325 yds. per skein. Oh yeah.
I've been feeling lately like I'm walking around in a movie again, where my ears and eyes are open and I see and hear the most bizarre stuff that I never thought I'd see or hear. Everything is totally surreal and I wonder if it's really happening. I can't really go into much detail, but when this happens I seem to follow the same pattern. I try to listen without judgement (as much as I may want to judge--I really hope I'm not judging), stop short of giving unsolicited advice, and then set a course for self-examination and a reaffirmation of what's really important in my life. Hence the romantic dinner for two last night while the kids are at a little music camp up at church in the evenings this week. There's another nice one planned for this evening. The luxury of eating with Kevin at home with veritable peace and quiet is just what we need from time to time and seems like such an indulgence!
I've also been experiencing some of those coincidences that aren't really coincidences. Yesterday I was presented with a big-time opportunity, with big-time status and big-time shoppers. But right away I felt strange and apprehensive about the whole thing, never mind the fact that I'm not big time nor am I "in the big time". It just didn't seem to fit my personality, my direction or goals, or my ethics to put it bluntly, so I declined. I feel good about it. Then I remembered what I read yesterday morning at the breakfast table before the big opportunity showed itself.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. --Matthew 7:13-14
I really hope I'm going through that narrow gate.
1 comment:
Intuition, dear. You know to follow it. You seem to know to listen, so just trust that you'll get to where you need to go. I know you will.
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