I was poised and ready, we'd been camera looking, lots of thought has been put into the purchase, business has been excellent and I thought I knew what camera to buy. We were goin' for it. Then, Kevin placed a call to his real estate broker/realtor brother who reminded him, "Etsy will only allow a certain file size to be uploaded." Pause. He's right. D**n. So now the research entails loading pictures to a resizer to see if the bigger files even look that fantastic still as the box of m and m's did in the store (they were incredible). The 12.2 mp pictures may look the same as those from my 6mp camera once all that is said and done. My jewelry may do just as well if I (really Kevin) make a light box and use the camera I have. Even with my current pics Etsy frequently will tell me my file sizes are too big to be uploaded. Phooey.
Thank goodness this little hiccup came BEFORE the big purchase. I'm scouring the forums on Etsy to learn all I can about resizing files, light boxes, lighting in general, etc. And, I'm uncovering and fiddling around with all the options my current camera comes with. I just want to avoid hearing this from friends, "your pictures really don't do your products justice. They look so much better in person."
All this of course requires a high speed internet connection, so I'll be at the coffee shop today while the girls are at a birthday party. Don't even get me started on that issue.
Excellent point. Gotta hate those. And by the way, I think your photos are lovely. Always an interesting background - but one that stays as the background and lets the focal point shine. Better than your average bloke, for sure.
We were able to get a wireless modem out here. Cable wouldn't come out this far, but we luckily have a tower not too far away- thats the only way we could get high speed. There is a satellite option, too, but I'm very happy w/ the wireless card.
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