I have painter's elbow. Or knitter's elbow. Or maybe you know it as tennis elbow, only I feel funny calling it that because I haven't been playing tennis but it's the same thing. I've been painting, most recently my youngest daughter's bedroom right after Thanksgiving (to top off all the other painting) and knitting. I managed to finish the hat and forgot to take pictures for you before I sent it off last week. Oh well. That one will have to remain a mystery.
The bad news is I have a little tendonitis in my right elbow. The good news is I know how to fix it. The bad new is I'm a terrible patient and have ignored it and let it worsen by knitting with it and doing other things to aggravate it. The good news is I started treating myself last night and am responding to therapy. The bad news is I'm impatient. The good news is my feet and legs still work. The bad news is it's still painful just to pick up my coffee mug this morning. The good news is I went for a great run yesterday afternoon when it was 60+ degrees outside and snapped some aftershots for you.
So, instead of showing you my knitted works-in-progress you get to see little snippets of sunset from my house post-run taken with my phone, not my real camera. It's the best I can do, busy life and bum elbow and all. Next time I'll do better. And I'll see if I can't talk some sense into that wayward patient inside, she wants to knit and still has to paint a door and the trim around two windows.
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