I'm told their eggs will start out either blue or green and then when they're fully mature they'll be a blue/green swirled mix, hence the cute nickname. Of course the egg inside looks and tastes exactly the same as a brown or white egg, but the novelty of the shell color is, well, pretty cool.
I've started baking due to the sudden influx of eggs, we gathered 7 just yesterday and so I'm smelling banana bread as I write. I've also decided that today my business name should be this: She (does everything possible BUT) Knits.
Thanks for the pic, I was just telling my husband about Easter egg chickens the other night- we have buying fresh eggs from a neighbor, loving it!
P.S. My blog has the word jewelry in it, and I seem to do everything but get around to making some some jewerly. Hope you are feeling better.
I'm with you in the everything BUT department. I will get to start knitting at about 2ish, then pick up kids at 3:45- and I'm trying to make this my job...
Pretty eggs- I love the green ones.
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