So the transition to cable tv, phone and internet after life in the dark ages hasn't beeen all that smooth sailing like I thought it'd be. I won't go into all the unimportant details, but we've only had spotty (at best) internet service these past two weeks and if we ever hoped to connect we had to reset (unplug) the router every time to reset it for 5-15 minutes worth of connection before it'd go out again.
After many visits from technicians we now have a new router and quite a few credits to our bill and it seems to have done the trick.

In the process I've learned a few things. Communicating with the cable company and having a problem fixed is no easy task, and that as far as tv channels go, I'm afraid the satellite was, ahem, better. But we'll take what we can get to have the high speed internet which is hopefully fixed so I can show you more pictures. I took these with a 30+ year old lens and I can't tell if it just needs a good cleaning, if someone needs like years of photography lessons, or if that same someone just might need glasses to be able to adequately focus a manual lens. Hmmmm...
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