Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Christmas looks like

On any given day you'll find half-eaten gingerbread houses, stripy tights curled up on the rug,

gift bags for teachers waiting to be filled and lined up in a row,

the tree standing, looking the best it can in an unfinished office as we slowly expand into our new space. We like how the lights look in the big window as we come up the drive, and think we've found the right place for it.

There are the rocks Allie gathered on an impromptu expedition outside yesterday after days and weeks full of too much rain,

just below the grumpy cat, pretending to be miserable though we know otherwise.

The ever-important knitting bag and Legos, both of which figure prominently in the house and can usually be found here, in front of the fire.

Homework, always, homework.

Some jewelry making after a long hiatus,

and bags of clothes lined up and ready to be given away, if I don't put them here it could be months before I take them in.

In short, we are lived in, comfortable, expanding into new space, messy, real, spread out, together, sick, well, hungry, tired, ordinary and content, all waiting, excited and very much enjoying the season.

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