I sneak past sleeping children, the remnants of last night's sleepover, and slide open the glass-paned pocket door to the office for an early morning stint at the computer. I'm surprised that after two years the room still smells like freshly sawed lumber and new construction.
I sit with one knee drawn up to my chin and the other splayed out to the side on the window seat and watch two squirrels in the grass. I sip from my big cup and am happy for the early morning stillness.
This is summer. It is sleepy, late mornings and rambunctious, late nights. Long, hot days at the pool or on the water. It is books in the hammock, trips, camps, work, time off, vacations. It means vegetables from the garden and fresh-picked blueberries from friends.
Summer is all good all at once. Brief, fleeting, happy, hot. If it would only last.
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